Today, we have a series of questions, again adapted from Sara Gottfried’s work, to assess signs of excess androgen (male hormone) in women.
Do you have or have you experienced in the past 6 months:
- Excess hair on your face, chest, or arms?
- Acne?
- Greasy skin and/or hair?
- Thinning head hair?
- Discoloration of your armpits?
- Skin tags, especially on your neck and upper torso?
- Low, high or unstable blood sugar?
- Menstrual cycles occurring more than every 35 days?
- Ovarian cysts?
- Infertility or subfertility?
If you answered yes to 5 or more, you are very likely to have high androgens.
If you have 3-4 of these symptoms, I urge you to get checked and talk to us or your physician about your hormones.
If you believe your androgens may be high, you can try the following:
- Make sure you have normal or adequate levels of vitamin D
- Increase strength training
- Drink spearmint tea twice a day
If you are interested in learning more about your hormonal health, click below to book a hormone consultation with the Gajer Practice.